Preparation for a new year of religious education classes is an opportunity to reflect and build on the successes of previous years, integrate new initiatives, and provide...
Set the tone with students and teachers for a new year of Religious Education. Use this printable Beginning the School Year Prayer Service with one class, or an entire...
In September 2015, Pope Francis established the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. This date, September 1, also begins the Season of Creation, a five-week...
World Youth Day is an international event in the Church that draws millions of young pilgrims from around the world. World Youth Day 2023 is built on a theme from the Gospel...
Ash Wednesday, a day of prayer and fasting, marks the beginning of Lent—the liturgical season that invites Christians into a time of spiritual renewal. In this article, learn...
The coming of Jesus at Christmas brings light, love, and peace into our lives. Lead Catholic students in a Christmas prayer service to focus their attention on Christmas as a...
Christmas is a season of peace and joy. For Catholics, the Christmas season begins on December 25th, Christmas day, and ends in January on the Feast of the Baptism of the...
The secular celebration of Halloween connects to Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days. Don’t miss the opportunity to make connections for Catholic kids...
As we prepare to head to the polls this November (or mail-in our vote), this blog post offers Catholic voters a few key aspects of Catholic social teaching to reflect upon....
The more we pray, the closer we are to God who loves us. We should be able to find time every day to pray in some way to our loving God. Download a FREE kit of various summer...
In this article, catechists and teachers will discover how to use lectio and visio divina in catechesis and during sacramental preparation. This simple lectio divina guide...
My mother used to wait to take the Christmas tree down once my siblings and I were back in school because she thought it would make us sad. In truth, she was the one who...
“Pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks…” (1Thessalonians 5:17). Was Paul for real? Is it even possible to pray without ceasing? To give thanks for everything? I...
Natural disasters are events that are outside of human control, caused by forces of nature. Natural disasters strike all over the world, and result in harm to people and to...
“All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” -Leo Tolstoy As I entered the church that day, I knew the funeral would be sad. I...
It has been over thirty years since my husband, Ron, ran his first Pikes Peak Ascent – a race to the top of a 14,000-foot mountain. At the time, the Olympic games were...
During a “gap year” in which I was discerning the direction to go with my studies, I served as a volunteer with Head Start. It’s there that I met Mrs. Cranmer and learned how...
Being an effective catechist requires constant prayer, and it is the responsibility of families and catechists to teach others to pray, through both example and instruction....
It’s been a few years since I wrote the “Ripples” reflection for my online column, From My Home to Yours. Nevertheless, I remember the story well. I popped into a...