Summer is underway, but Parish Catechetical Leaders and Directors of Religious Education are likely thinking about and planning for the start of regular religious education...
What is missionary discipleship? How can we respond to the call to be missionary disciples? In this article we'll explore missionary discipleship and ways to help students...
Sadlier Religion Consultant, Carole Eipers, writes about the meaning and importance of evangelization. Carole’s newest book, Everyday Evangelization, will be published by...
During the seasons of Lent and Easter, after many weeks of preparation, it is common to see excited children and young people celebrating two momentous sacramental moments...
Setting up the crèche is a beloved tradition in both homes and parishes. I have seen a number of beautiful Nativity sets over the years. Many of them reflect cultural...
In the wake of a terrorist attack or tragedy, Catholics of all ages may seek answers to help make sense of the acts of violence and hatred. For children, the complexities of...
Download an exclusive eBook, written from the perspective of a Parish Catechetical Leader, offering seven suggestions to prepare other Parish Catechetical Leaders for a new...
During the season of Ordinary Time, we celebrate the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Ordinary Time is a time to learn and follow the teachings of Christ in our daily...
When parents and catechists are asked what they want from their children, their response might include a desire for the children’s happiness. We often strive for our own and...
Parish Catechetical Leaders or Directors of Religious Education inevitably encounter a student who has missed a year, or a number of years, of Religious Education. Download...
Yesterday I set up an “anti-gravity” chair on our deck. It reminds me of patio furniture from my childhood that my parents referred to as “bar-wise chairs.” I have no idea...
When Jesus was asked "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?,” he replied "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and...
The coming of Jesus at Christmas brings light, love, and peace into our lives. Share with students a Celebration of Peace Catholic Christmas Prayer Service, including...
“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…” Psalm 23:6 Of all the psalms, the twenty-third is certainly the most familiar. Each verse is worthy of...
Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Pinterest. Snap Chat. Vine. If you are parenting or teaching children in junior high or high school, chances are they may be active on at least...
Guest Blogger, Jim Devlin, Sadlier’s educational consultant for Ohio and Kentucky, is attending the World Meeting of Families this week with his wife and three of their nine...