We all experience the world in a multisensory way with the gifts of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Using a multisensory approach within your Catholic faith formation...
Catholics pray a special prayer to express contrition for our sins before and during the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Learn more about contrition and download our...
Christmas is a season of peace and joy. For Catholics, the Christmas season begins on December 25th, Christmas day, and ends in January on the Feast of the Baptism of the...
Our call to care for creation is unceasing, and we as disciples should look for opportunities that will help us recommit our efforts to taking better care of our earth and...
STREAM is an acronym for a uniquely Catholic interdisciplinary approach. In this acronym, each letter stands for a discipline: S – science; T – technology; R – religion; E –...
The Spanish word for Lent is Cuaresma, which comes from the word cuarenta, or “forty,” since the season of Lent lasts forty days. During Lent, all Catholics prepare hearts...
The Church will soon begin to observe the liturgical season of Lent. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on February 17, Lent lasts forty days. During Lent, the...
A new calendar year has begun. Each year, its arrival presents an opportunity for self-examination. Resolutions reflect those areas in our lives we want to improve. We can...
In addition to the annual celebration of Catholic Schools Week held each January, NCEA has added a week called Discover Catholic Schools Week in November. The goal of this...
Feast Days provide catechists and parents with a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to Catholic saints. In this article, you’ll discover a short biography and free...
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve and impact life around the world, we offer this post as a roundup of resource for Catholics looking for both spiritual and...
During Lent, we as Catholics prepare our hearts for the great celebration of Easter. We can also prepare our classrooms and homes for the great celebration of Christ’s...
The Church will soon begin to observe the liturgical season of Lent. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on February 17, Lent lasts forty days. During Lent, the...
Pope Francis, by papal decree, declared that each year the third Sunday in Ordinary Time will be a special day: Sunday of the Word of God. This day will be devoted to “the...
Feast Days provide catechists and parents with a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to Catholic saints. In this article, you’ll discover a short biography and free...
All of the saints were incredible models for holiness. With All Saints Day just around the corner, directors and catechists have a wonderful opportunity to encourage students...
During the season of Ordinary Time, we learn about the saints. To celebrate the saints during Ordinary Time, download a Saints Card Game Activity to share with the students...
In May 2018, Sister Thea Bowman was declared a servant of God, a first step toward sainthood. Thea Bowman lived her life as a friend to Jesus. In this article, you'll find...
Feast Days provide catechists and parents with a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to Catholic saints. In this article, you’ll discover a short biography and free...
In all that John the Baptist did, he pointed his followers toward Christ instead of calling attention to himself. In this article, you'll find information, printable...
Though we celebrate Christ’s resurrection every Sunday, the Easter season is a special time to rejoice over the new life we have in Jesus Christ. Download an Easter dinner...