Enrich the catechesis of children by encouraging family prayer. A helpful Catechist Development article entitled Prayer: Helping Children and Families to Pray includes...
With the back-to-school season quickly approaching, families and children are preparing to reenter the autumn routine of school and Religious Education classes.
Explore the importance and benefit of using storytelling to engage and educate children. A helpful Catechist Development article entitled Using Storytelling with Children...
Read why and how all of Jesus’ disciples must work together to pass on the faith. This helpful article for catechists and families includes suggestions for implementation...
Read about six ways that faith grows and matures within the context of everyday family life in a catechist development article entitled Connecting to the Family. The article...
In her catechist development article Catechesis Today and the Catechist, Dr. Carole Eipers writes, “Faith grows slowly". The General Directory for Catechesis reminds us that...
“Persons with disabilities, especially children, are particularly beloved of the Lord and are integral members of the Christian community.” (National Directory for Catechesis...
Music and song is such an important part of being Catholic, and it’s also an important part of learning. Making time for music in your Religious Education program for music...