To support parents in their faith formation efforts to teach children that we celebrate the death and Resurrection of Jesus during the Easter Triduum, Sadlier has pulled together activities that can be printed and completed at home or in the classroom. The Church's celebration of the great Three Days begins on Holy Thursday evening and ends on Easter Sunday evening. Download two activities that can be used with Catholic kids to teach about the Easter Triduum.
Prepare for this activity in advance. Compile photos and images of Holy Week liturgical celebrations and display them for your children to view. Begin the lesson by showing your children a calendar. Use the calendar to indicate the beginning and end of the Lenten season. Direct your children's attention to the images of Holy Week celebrations. Talk about each image and use the calendar to indicate which of the Three Days is being celebrated.
Distribute the Triduum Primary Activity sheets and read the directions aloud. Encourage your children to draw pictures to show how the Church celebrates each of the Three Days. Provide art supplies such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, or watercolor paint for children to complete the activity.
Download the Easter Triduum Primary Activity now! Available in English and Spanish.
Download a printable Triduum Triptych Activity in which children design a triptych to show that we celebrate the death and Resurrection of Jesus during the sacred Easter Triduum.
Explain that a triptych is an art piece that has three panels. Discuss the symbol on each panel and identify which Three-Day celebration it represents. Have the children color the panels; then help them cut out the triptych. Glue the triptych and fold the panels along the fold lines shown. Encourage the children to share the triptych with their families and friends.