As religious education courses continue into the autumn months, catechists will have the opportunity to begin to get to know the students in their programs. Personalities and learning styles emerge quickly. And student work and assessment data from the first month of religious education classes can begin to inform preparations for upcoming lessons. October is the perfect time for the catechist to reflect on his or her instruction and practice based on the individual needs in the classroom, and here is a resource to help!
Catechists may find that after a month of instruction, lessons are effective for most of the students in their religious education course. But what about those who don’t seem to by synthesizing information as much as their peers? How do you connect with the student who does not really seem engaged in the classroom? How about the student who seems to know his or her faith “on paper,” but cannot seem to articulate verbally, or perhaps is learning English for the first time? How can you set the best example for success for all students in your classroom?
Children learn in all different ways, just like adults do. Think of yourself as a learner. You may prefer learning along with a group, engaging with others as you ask questions and digest new information. Or, you might prefer to study independently, synthesizing new information alone in a quiet space. Children have these types of preferences, too.
Download a helpful resource to help catechists meet the various needs of all learners in the religious education classroom. A Lessons for All Learners eBook provides helpful and concrete tips to modify lessons and design effective instruction for all types of learners in your classroom. The eBook will help catechists to integrate body breaks, energizing your students to begin new lessons. It will encourage catechists to provide linguistic supports so that all students, including English Language Learners, not only know their faith, but also can effectively discuss and share it. It will allow catechists to consider students’ learning styles and vary instruction accordingly so that each learner gets a chance to experience the lesson as they learn best. And finally, it will help catechists to provide examples of success including models and rubrics so students can meet their catechists’ high expectations.
The Lessons for All Learners eBook will help set the stage for a successful year of classes for both the catechists and all learners in your religious education program.