Are you tuning in to Sadlier’s weekly live stream, Catechist Stream? Devoted to catechists and addressing current catechetical issues, events, and strategies, Catechist Stream
In this article we'll explore ways parish catechetical and school leadership can plan for the future by evaluating the past year. Assessing catechetical and religious...
The season of Lent prepares us for the great celebration of Easter. One of the celebrations during the season of Lent is Palm Sunday. In this article, you will find a free...
We all experience the world in a multisensory way with the gifts of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Using a multisensory approach within your Catholic faith formation...
Sadlier’s new weekly live stream, Catechist Stream, is devoted to catechists and addresses current catechetical issues, events, and strategies in an exciting interactive...
Catholics pray a special prayer to express contrition for our sins before and during the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Learn more about contrition and download our...
Ash Wednesday for some is like a religious New Year’s. It’s the kick-off for Lenten resolutions that begin with great fervor and dim as the six weeks of the season drag on. I...
Are you tuning into Sadlier’s weekly new live stream? Catechist Stream is devoted to catechists and addresses current catechetical issues, events, and strategies in an...
What is Catholic social teaching, and what does this teaching of the Catholic Church mean for Catholics today? Explore Catholic social teaching, get to know its seven...
On the first Sunday after Christmas, the Church will celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. This feast is one of the many important feasts the...
The feast of the Holy Family is celebrated during the Christmas season, on the Sunday following Christmas. It honors the family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Help Catholic kids...
Christmas is a season of peace and joy. For Catholics, the Christmas season begins on December 25th, Christmas day, and ends in January on the Feast of the Baptism of the...
Sadlier is kicking off a new live stream for catechists in 2022 called Catechist Stream. We caught up with hosts Steve Bostford and Deacon Matt Halbach to ask them about...
The secular celebration of Halloween connects to Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days. Don’t miss the opportunity to make connections for Catholic kids...
A disruptive past year showed us the power of partnering with families for at home catechesis and providing meaningful resources to support family catechesis at home. This...
During the third week in October, attention will turn to Digital Citizenship Week. Catholic schools and parishes can help students go beyond digital citizenship to digital...
Our call to care for creation is unceasing, and we as disciples should look for opportunities that will help us recommit our efforts to taking better care of our earth and...
This is the final post in a series of articles invites families to put Amoris Laetitia into practice in their family life in honor of the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family...
The summer months typically come with a break from routine and an opportunity to introduce new activities into the schedule. Consider dedicating some time this summer to...
This is the second post in a series of articles inviting families to put Amoris Laetitia into practice in their family life in honor of the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family...
This is the first post in a series of articles invites families to put Amoris Laetitia into practice in their family life in honor of the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family...