Catechetical Programs
Christ In Us Grades K–8
Parish, K–8
School, K–8
Bilingual, K–6
We Believe: Living Your Catholic Identity Grades K–8
Full Access
We Live Our Faith, Catholic Identity Grades 7–8
Full Access
One Faith, One Lord Grades 7–Adult
Our Catholic Faith Grades 4–6
God’s Own Making
Grades 4-8
Discovering God
Ages 3–5
Between You and Your Child
Catechetical Bilingual
Cristo en nosotros
Cursos 1–6
Creemos Identidad católica
Cursos K–6
Vivimos nuestra fe
Cursos 7–8
Nuestra fe católica
Cursos 4–6
Una sola fe, un solo Señor
Cursos 7–Adulto
Entre usted y sus hijos
Cursos K–8
Sacraments Programs
Believe • Celebrate • Live | Bilingual Edition Ages 7–15
Reconciliation Primary
Eucharist Primary
Reconciliation & Eucharist Intermediate
Confirmation Restored Order
We Believe and Celebrate
Spanish Edition
Prayer Books
My Reconciliation and Prayer Book, Ages 7–9
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
My Mass Book, Ages 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
We Believe and Pray, Grades 4–6
Sacraments Bilingual
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Edades 7–15
Reconciliación Primaria
Eucaristía Primaria
Reconciliación y Eucaristía Intermedio
Confirmación Restauración del orden sacramental
Creemos y celebramos
Libros de oración
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
Lifelong Faith
Bible Resources
The Compass Bible for Catholic Teens
YOUCAT: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
YOUCAT: Catecismo Joven de la Iglesia Católica
La Biblia católica para jóvenes
Adult Resources
Becoming a Parish of Mercy
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
General Directory for Catechesis
Professional Development
Professional Development
Catechetical Learning
Theology of the Body Course
Catholic Identity Course
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CHATechesis Podcast
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Sadlier Religion Blog

Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Celebration

On December 12th, the Church honors Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Americas. On the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we remember that Mary appeared...
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Act of Love: Third in a Virtues Series

The virtue of love enables us to love God and to love our neighbor. Download an Act of Love prayer card in English or Spanish to use at home or in your classroom.
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Liturgical Year: Teaching About Advent

On Sunday, December 1st, the Church will celebrate the First Sunday of Advent. The word Advent means “coming.” The season of Advent helps us to prepare for the coming of...
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Catholic Virtues Series: The Benefits of Temperance

I don’t remember much about the discussion, but I do remember Father Lascelles’ response. I was lingering with other teachers and school staff around the dinner table and...
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Celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Cecilia

On November 22nd, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Cecilia. Though the dates of her birth and death are unknown, Cecilia is believed to have lived in Rome during...
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Catholic Virtues Series: Hope in the Long Haul

The news of a friend’s death this past week came out of the blue and hit hard. Pete has been part of our lives, off and on, since before Ron and I were married. He was a...
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Catholic Virtues Series: Keeping Faith

"Real faith… strips the world of its mask and reveals God in all things.” Charles de Foucauld
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Act of Hope: Second in a Virtues Series

The virtue of hope enables us to trust in God’s promise to share his life with us forever. It makes us confident in God’s love and care for us. Download an Act of Hope...
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Catholic Virtues Series: Saintly Love

With All Saints Day approaching, I have been thinking about the small “s” saints in my life. My parents, saints Al and Nellie. My friends, saint John the chaplain and saint...
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Catholic Virtues Series: The Significance of Empathy

The nuances in the Gospels are a constant source of intrigue to me, making them treasures that keep unfolding. A case in point is the healing miracle in Mark 7:32-37. In...
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Ten Tips for New DREs eBook

Are you new to religious education? Download this exclusive eBook with ten tips for new Directors of Religious Education or Parish Catechetical Leaders, compiled by a novice...
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The Soul of Kindness

I caught just a single line wafting out of the radio – something about God weeping at the unkindness of ravens. It stopped me in my tracks. The ravens in our neighborhood...
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Act of Faith: First in a Virtues Series

The virtue of faith enables us to believe in God and all that the Church teaches us. It helps us to believe all that God has told us about himself and all that he has done....
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Angels All Around Us

I once read that the most well-known angel in modern times was Clarence, the character from “It’s a Wonderful Life.” He is an endearing figure. His fumbling manner and gentle...
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Including Children with Special Needs in Religious Education

“Persons with disabilities, especially children, are particularly beloved of the Lord and are integral members of the Christian community.” (National Directory for Catechesis...
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School Supplies for Teachers and Catechists

I love office supply stores. The sight of all those empty notepads and colorful pens represents a range of possibilities. Such associations not only have to do with my work...
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Teaching the Virtues & Values to Catholic Kids

Every day we have the opportunity to act as Jesus’ disciples. A virtue is a good habit that helps us to act according to God’s love for us. The theological virtues of faith,...
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Labor Day Reflections

There is a beautiful golf club down the hill from us. Because so many of its members live in houses on its perimeter, it’s not unusual to see them riding to and fro in their...
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Back to School

The yellow buses are back in action. Newspaper ads remind parents of all the supplies their children and teen-agers need. There is a noticeable absence of kids accompanying...
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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On this feast of the Assumption we celebrate that Mary was taken body and soul to heaven at the end of her life. On August 15th honor Mary by engaging students in a...
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