For students in junior high school and high school, the stories of young saints’ lives can especially resonate with the challenges and triumphs they themselves experience....
On my neighborhood’s Facebook page, tucked amid notices about road closings and queries about handymen and window cleaners, was a post that stopped my heart. Four local high...
Some people start their day with coffee and the newspaper. Mine begins with orange juice and my journal. The cat is usually waiting for me to settle into my favorite chair....
A few years ago, while serving on a parish staff, I was asked to speak at the weekend Masses on the theme of stewardship. Just as I was heading to the lectern, I heard...
The thought of teaching junior high school students can make some catechists and youth ministers anxious. However, the early teen years is an ideal time for exposing and...
Sadlier offers whole community seasonal events that can be used with the entire parish community or religious education program. We invite you to participate in a Gather In...
Ordinary Time is a time to learn and follow the teachings of Christ in our daily lives, to grow as his disciples, and to become better able to give witness to his Good News...
Each of my pregnancies were times of wonder, but nothing surpassed the first. Facing the prospect of motherhood was both fascinating and daunting. The latter wasn’t helped...
My brother likes to joke about how many people my mother could feed with a single package of deli meat. Sandwiches might have been thin, but everyone ate. If there is a...
In her catechist development article Catechesis Today and the Catechist, Dr. Carole Eipers writes, “Faith grows slowly". The General Directory for Catechesis reminds us that...
“Where have you been?” Those words always stopped me in my tracks when trying to sneak past my parents’ bedroom after a too-late night. I had to come up with a feasible...
On January 1st, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Mary, Mother of God. Mary was the first to hear about the mission of Jesus, and therefore Jesus’ first disciple....
On Wednesday, December 25th, the Church will celebrate the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, beginning the celebration of the Christmas season. The Catholic Christmas...
A quote attributed to Saint Teresa of Calcutta is “If we pray, we will believe; If we believe, we will love; If we love, we will serve.” These words ring very true,...
As the Church prepares to celebrate the birth of Christ and anticipates his coming again at the end of time, we listen to stories from the Bible about the way people...
My brother tells a story about his childhood friend, Mack, who was being picked on by a kid in his neighborhood. Tired of living in fear, Mack took matters into his own...
Saint Nicholas of Myra is one of the most popular saints in the world. He is most famous as the patron saint of children. But despite his popularity, we know little about...
Sometimes I wonder if the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in the middle of the night. Not in a dream, like Joseph, but in one of those wide-awake, mid-night moments when the...
The season of Advent begins on Sunday, December 1st. The meaning of Advent season is two-fold, reminding us both to remember the past and to look to the future. Advent is...