Catechetical Programs
Christ In Us Grades K–8
Parish, K–8
School, K–8
Bilingual, K–6
We Believe: Living Your Catholic Identity Grades K–8
Full Access
We Live Our Faith, Catholic Identity Grades 7–8
Full Access
One Faith, One Lord Grades 7–Adult
Our Catholic Faith Grades 4–6
God’s Own Making
Grades 4-8
Discovering God
Ages 3–5
Between You and Your Child
Catechetical Bilingual
Cristo en nosotros
Cursos 1–6
Creemos Identidad católica
Cursos K–6
Vivimos nuestra fe
Cursos 7–8
Nuestra fe católica
Cursos 4–6
Una sola fe, un solo Señor
Cursos 7–Adulto
Entre usted y sus hijos
Cursos K–8
Sacraments Programs
Believe • Celebrate • Live | Bilingual Edition Ages 7–15
Reconciliation Primary
Eucharist Primary
Reconciliation & Eucharist Intermediate
Confirmation Restored Order
We Believe and Celebrate
Spanish Edition
Prayer Books
My Reconciliation and Prayer Book, Ages 7–9
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
My Mass Book, Ages 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
We Believe and Pray, Grades 4–6
Sacraments Bilingual
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Edades 7–15
Reconciliación Primaria
Eucaristía Primaria
Reconciliación y Eucaristía Intermedio
Confirmación Restauración del orden sacramental
Creemos y celebramos
Libros de oración
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
Lifelong Faith
Bible Resources
The Compass Bible for Catholic Teens
YOUCAT: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
YOUCAT: Catecismo Joven de la Iglesia Católica
La Biblia católica para jóvenes
Adult Resources
Becoming a Parish of Mercy
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
General Directory for Catechesis
Professional Development
Professional Development
Catechetical Learning
Theology of the Body Course
Catholic Identity Course
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Catechetical Resources
Virtual Events
Religion Blog
Catechetical Downloads
Liturgical Seasons
CHATechesis Podcast
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Recursos catequéticos
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Blog de Sadlier Religion
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Sadlier Religion Blog

Catechist Resource: Summer School for Junior High

Sadlier’s We Live Our Faith program for 7th and 8th graders can be taught in a summer session format ideal for a youth ministry setting. Using the Student and Catechist...
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How Catechists' Can Use Sadlier’s We Believe as a Summer Edition

Sadlier’s We Believe Program can be taught during a two-week summer session using a special summer guide. Printable Summer School Sessions allow parents and catechists to...
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Catechist Development Article: Passing on the Faith Takes Collaboration

Read why and how all of Jesus’ disciples must work together to pass on the faith. This helpful article for catechists and families includes suggestions for implementation...
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Catholic Virtues Series: The Value of Cooperation

A few weeks ago I mentioned the training my husband, Ron, had been doing for a 50-mile ultra-marathon. The race has been run and Ron finished in good measure, even winning...
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Catechist Development Article: Connecting to the Family

Read about six ways that faith grows and matures within the context of everyday family life in a catechist development article entitled Connecting to the Family. The article...
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Catholic Virtues Series: Creativity

“How many of you are creative?” The question generally draws only a smattering of positive responses at one of my women’s retreats. Those answering yes typically describe...
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Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament

As Catholics, we pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Our prayers show Jesus our love and devotion for him. Share this printable Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament prayer card...
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Mother’s Day Reflections

She was the last one off the plane. In addition to the toddler she hoisted on one arm, the diaper bag thrown over the other, and the two large plastic bags she dragged...
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Talking Points for Confirmation Sponsors

It can sometimes be difficult for sponsors of candidates preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation to know where to begin in guiding a young person through the...
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Catholic Virtues Series: Moments of Reverence

I read a newspaper article the other day about how a Compline service in a large urban cathedral was attracting a large number of young adults. They come with pillows and...
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Celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Siena

On April 29th, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Siena. Download an intermediate activity for Catherine of Siena in English or Spanish.
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Printable Prayer for Easter Eyes

There are many signs and symbols of new life that surround us at Easter. By opening ourselves to discovery, we become better attuned to recognizing these signs as we make...
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Canonization: 4 Steps to Becoming A Saint

At the end of April, a single ceremony will take place in Saint Peter’s Square to declare Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II saints. The Vatican plans to live stream this...
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Easter Lesson & Reproducible Activity

Signs of new life in Christ are around us all year long, but they take on particular meaning during the Easter season.
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Printable Easter Mobile Activity

Make Easter mobiles with the children in your early childhood or primary Religious Education class using this printable handout.
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Printable Triduum Activity

The Triduum includes the three days from Holy Thursday evening until Easter Sunday. We celebrate Christ’s Paschal Mystery of dying and rising to new life during the Easter...
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Lenten Sacrifice

I admit to having a bit of trouble with the practice of abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent. I don’t really find it much of a sacrifice. As a child I remember when...
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Celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Patrick

Patrick is a very popular saint. On March 17, people all over the world celebrate his feast day with parades, parties, and the wearing of green. Download a printable Saint...
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Prayer for Lenten Initiative

As the winter Olympic Games in Sochi were wrapping up, the television network played its requisite montage of memorable moments. Skiers, snowboarders, and skeleton-racers...
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