As a child I learned to “give something up” for Lent. My meager efforts at abstaining from candy or from teasing my little brother pale in comparison to the regimen of a...
The origins of the Stations of the Cross stretch back to the Crusades when, as a result of the conquering of the Holy Land, Christians began making pilgrimages to the sacred...
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patroness of the Americas. Our Lady of Guadalupe is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary associated with the venerated image enshrined within the...
The season of Lent prepares us for the great celebration of Easter. One of the celebrations during the season of Lent is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter,...
Welcome to our guest blogger, Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP. The following article is an excerpt from a presentation she will be giving at the Los Angeles Religious Education...
"So that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.” John 17:21
When I was teaching second grade, I sometimes felt sorry for my colleagues in the upper levels. They didn’t receive the kind of love notes that appeared on my desk each...
“…Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr....
Ring in the New Year with resources from the Sadlier We Believe Blog. Within a special New Year’s Kit, administrators, catechists, and parents can find resources to help...
It hasn’t been an easy Advent in which to hope. As the shadow of the bombings in Beirut and Paris continued to hover over us, the shootings in Colorado Springs and San...
The coming of Jesus at Christmas brings light, love, and peace into our lives. Share with students a Celebration of Peace Catholic Christmas Prayer Service, including...
The “O Antiphons” are a tradition of prayer during a period of time known as the Octave of Advent. Thus, they begin on December 17th and continue through the 23rd. The seven...
When I speak to groups about how faith grows in the family, I ask them to name a favorite tradition. Responses almost always include something about the Christmas holidays....
The Church will soon celebrate the season of Christmas. As you prepare your homes and religious education classrooms for the start of the Catholic Christmas season 2015,...
The candy cane is a treat often associated with Saint Nicholas, the patron and protector of children. The crook symbolizes the gentle image of Jesus, the Good Shepherd....
I confess to not quite getting the image of Christ as king. Perhaps it’s because royalty in my lifetime have been primarily figureheads and, at times, models of bad...
This Thanksgiving, families and friends will gather to share a meal and to be grateful for the people and things they hold dear. Though it is a secular holiday, Thanksgiving...
I used to love Thanksgiving. Helping my mother stuff a gigantic turkey, one that barely fed our large family, was always a treat. I’d set the table for her as well, putting...
These days, that dark side is on display far too often. Incivility has risen to new levels as political compromise and honest debate fade into oblivion. The hideous comments...
Teaching children about saints is a wonderful way to engage them in the rich history of the Catholic faith. Teaching children about saints also provides inspiring examples of...