Catechetical Programs
Christ In Us Grades K–8
Parish, K–8
School, K–8
Bilingual, K–6
We Believe: Living Your Catholic Identity Grades K–8
Full Access
We Live Our Faith, Catholic Identity Grades 7–8
Full Access
One Faith, One Lord Grades 7–Adult
Our Catholic Faith Grades 4–6
God’s Own Making
Grades 4-8
Discovering God
Ages 3–5
Between You and Your Child
Catechetical Bilingual
Cristo en nosotros
Cursos 1–6
Creemos Identidad católica
Cursos K–6
Vivimos nuestra fe
Cursos 7–8
Nuestra fe católica
Cursos 4–6
Una sola fe, un solo Señor
Cursos 7–Adulto
Entre usted y sus hijos
Cursos K–8
Sacraments Programs
Believe • Celebrate • Live | Bilingual Edition Ages 7–15
Reconciliation Primary
Eucharist Primary
Reconciliation & Eucharist Intermediate
Confirmation Restored Order
We Believe and Celebrate
Spanish Edition
Prayer Books
My Reconciliation and Prayer Book, Ages 7–9
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
My Mass Book, Ages 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
We Believe and Pray, Grades 4–6
Sacraments Bilingual
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Edades 7–15
Reconciliación Primaria
Eucaristía Primaria
Reconciliación y Eucaristía Intermedio
Confirmación Restauración del orden sacramental
Creemos y celebramos
Libros de oración
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
Lifelong Faith
Bible Resources
The Compass Bible for Catholic Teens
YOUCAT: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
YOUCAT: Catecismo Joven de la Iglesia Católica
La Biblia católica para jóvenes
Adult Resources
Becoming a Parish of Mercy
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
General Directory for Catechesis
Professional Development
Professional Development
Catechetical Learning
Theology of the Body Course
Catholic Identity Course
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Religion Blog
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Liturgical Seasons
CHATechesis Podcast
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Blog de Sadlier Religion
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Sadlier Religion Blog

Celebrating Saints and Mystics During the Liturgical Year

My Little Lives of the Saints booklets were precious possessions. As a child I pored over each account and studied the accompanying pictures. Each saint looked so serene and...
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A Memorial Day Reflection

When my husband and I set off on a cross-country trip four years ago, we knew we would visit numerous historical sites. We did not think so many of them would include...
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World Day of Prayer for Vocations; How to Discern and Support Vocation

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is Saturday, May 7, 2017. This year marks the 54th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
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Prayers & Activities for the Feast of Pentecost

When the risen Jesus visited the disciples before he returned to his Father in Heaven, he promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with the Church always. The Holy Spirit came...
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Flowers for the Blessed Mother

What do you think the following flowers have in common: rose, thistle, violet, marigold, carnation, lily, and forget-me-not? Each one has a legend that associates the flower...
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Catholic Easter Resources for Families

The season of Easter is a special time to rejoice over the new life we have in Jesus Christ. The Easter season lasts fifty days and ends on Pentecost Sunday. This post is a...
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Immerse Yourself in the Mystery of the Triduum

If you have celebrated Triduum even once, you know why it’s consider the most sacred time in the Church year.
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How to Enhance Your Lenten Practices So They're More Meaningful

“Lent is a time of spring cleaning through intensifying our prayer life, fasting from food or bad habits, and performing acts of charity and justice.”
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The Value of Humilty

It’s taken a long time to straighten out my understanding of humility. As a child I was taught that to say anything positive about yourself was vanity and a display of pride,...
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Discerning Our Vocation

“O that today you would hear his voice harden not your hearts…” Psalm 95:7-8 The reminder to listen for the voice of God runs deep in the Scriptures. Such admonitions are...
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A Prayer for Ordinary Time Activity

During the season of Ordinary Time, we celebrate the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Ordinary Time is a time to learn and follow the teachings of Christ in our daily...
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The Ministry and Vocation of Teaching

During a “gap year” in which I was discerning the direction to go with my studies, I served as a volunteer with Head Start. It’s there that I met Mrs. Cranmer and learned how...
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Epiphany Resources

On the second Sunday after Christmas, the Church will celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The traditional date of Epiphany is January 6, but in the United...
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Virtue Series: Wellness and the New Year

Long before the term “holistic medicine” came into use, Hildegard of Bingen was putting it into practice. This twelfth century figure had a resume that could rival Leonardo...
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The Season of Advent

My favorite season of the year is approaching. Setting out familiar symbols puts me in the mood for a time of joyous expectation. Advent is about to begin.
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Celebrating National Bible Week; A Scripture Quest for Catholic Students

This year, from November 13-19 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops encourages participation in National Bible Week. This year's theme is, "The Bible: A Book of...
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Catholic Virtues Series: Prayer for Integrity

My fascination with Abraham Lincoln started at a young age. I pulled a hefty tome about his assassination off my parent’s bookshelf while in fourth grade and immediately...
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Living as Faithful Citizens: Download a Prayer for the Election

I wish I knew how to contact Mrs. Andrews. I would love to send her a much-belated thank-you the Civics class she taught when I was a junior in high school. In addition to...
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Teresa of Avila and the Interior Castle

It sounds like something out of a fairy tale – a crystal castle with a spiraling set of rooms leading to a center point of beauty and mystery. This is the Interior Castle of...
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