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March 24, 2025 WBB Lent, WBB Tridumm & Easter, REL Seasons - Lent, REL Seasons - Triduum/Easter, REL PD - Family Faith

Holy Week Resources for Families

Holy Week is a time-honored rite that celebrates life arising from death and the brilliance emerging from places of desolation and despair. Use these Holy Week resources to prepare for and celebrate the final week of Lent.

It’s almost Holy Week, a time-honored rite that celebrates life arising from death and the brilliance emerging from places of desolation and despair. Use these Holy Week resources to prepare for and celebrate the final week of Lent.

Printable Holy Week Resources

Stations of the Cross Prayer

Follow in the footsteps of Jesus during his Passion and Death on the cross with a special bilingual handout that provides background and reflections for each station.

Download the Stations of the Cross Prayer handout now.

Holy Week Resources for Families Stations of the Cross

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People of the Passion Reflection Cards

Reflect on the people of the Passion – those who were there at various points during Jesus’ trial, scourging, journey to Golgotha, crucifixion, and death.

Download People of the Passion Reflection Cards and use them with your family or class to prepare for Holy Week.

Download People of the Passion Reflection Cards and use them with your family or class to prepare for Holy Week.

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Holy Week Reflection Cards

Holy Week is the high point of the Church year. It begins with Passion (Palm) Sunday and moves into the Triduum - the sacred "Three Days" that mark the Passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As a way to more fully participate in this sacred time, download Holy Week Reflection Cards and share them with members of your family or parish.

As a way to more fully participate in this sacred time, download Holy Week Reflection Cards and share them with members of your family or parish.

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Holy Week Prayer Card

Holy week is the most sacred week of the year, one that should be entered with attention and reverence.

Download a Prayer for the Celebration of Holy Week to share in your home or parish.

Download a Prayer for the Celebration of Holy Week to share in your home or parish.

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