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February 5, 2025 WBAS Topics Holidays, WBAS Topics Prayer, REL Seasons - Feast Days/Holidays, REL Asset - Prayer Card

A Valentines for God- Resources for Catholics

Valentine’s Day may be few weeks away, but it’s not too soon to start reflecting on its lovely themes and associations. In this article, Catholics will find a printable Valentines prayer, activity, and scripture reading ideas that will make God's love the central focus this Valentine's Day.


Recognizing God's Love on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Reflective Writing

Between now and February 14th, invite your students, parishioners, or family to keep a written record of the “faces of God” they see each day. As part of a Valentine’s Day celebration, share the results with one another. Talk about the way this exercise increased your awareness of God’s presence among the people you encountered.

Valentine's Day Scripture Reading

As a way to prepare for and celebrate Valentine’s Day, spend time in your “heart room” with passages from Scripture that speak of God’s love. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

Prayer for Valentine's Day 

A bishop once told me that he considered prayers of adoration our “valentines to God.” In them, we express our utter delight and fascination with being cherished by a God whom we recognize in the smiles, hugs and “luv u” messages received from others.

As part of your Catholic Valentine's Day celebrations, download and share my Valentine for God Prayer Card  with your family or class!

Valentine for God Prayers

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Valentine's Day Activity for Catholic Kids 

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to let the people we love know how much we care. Download a Valentine's Day Activity in which primary children explore poetry and design valentines for loved ones. The download includes catechist suggestions and a printable resource for children.

 Valentine's Day Activity for Catholics

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