Holy Week is a time-honored rite that celebrates life arising from death and the brilliance emerging from places of desolation and despair. Use these Holy Week resources to...
Lent is a sacred season of reflection and renewal, inviting us to deepen our faith through prayer, penance, and almsgiving. As we journey through these forty days, Sadlier is...
Valentine’s Day may be few weeks away, but it’s not too soon to start reflecting on its lovely themes and associations. In this article, Catholics will find a printable...
As families gather to share a meal and express gratitude for their many blessings this Thanksgiving, they have the opportunity to pray. Kids and families in your faith...
The Catholic Christmas season begins on December 25th and ends in January on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. During this season, we celebrate the birth of Christ, the...
Learn about the meaning and symbolism of the Advent wreath and its colors. In this article, you will discover why and how Catholics celebrate Advent and the significance of...
Ash Wednesday, a day of prayer and fasting, marks the beginning of Lent—the liturgical season that invites Christians into a time of spiritual renewal. In this article, learn...
In this article we'll explore ways parish catechetical and school leadership can plan for the future by evaluating the past year. Assessing catechetical and religious...
Ash Wednesday for some is like a religious New Year’s. It’s the kick-off for Lenten resolutions that begin with great fervor and dim as the six weeks of the season drag on. I...
What is Catholic social teaching, and what does this teaching of the Catholic Church mean for Catholics today? Explore Catholic social teaching, get to know its seven...
The feast of the Holy Family is celebrated during the Christmas season, on the Sunday following Christmas. It honors the family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Help Catholic kids...
The secular celebration of Halloween connects to Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days. Don’t miss the opportunity to make connections for Catholic kids...
A new calendar year has begun. Each year, its arrival presents an opportunity for self-examination. Resolutions reflect those areas in our lives we want to improve. We can...
The Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas of Myra on December 6. Saint Nicholas of Myra is one of the most popular saints in the world, and most famous as the...
Liturgical and secular seasons and holidays as well as everyday routines offer multiple opportunities for families to engage in simple prayers and rituals that build and...
On July 31, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius Loyola. Sometimes referred to as a "soldier for Christ," Saint Ignatius Loyola worked to strengthen the...
If I had to name a single issue around catechesis that crops up again and again as I traverse the country, it’s how to equip catholic families to share and form faith in the...
In his apostolic exhortation on holiness, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad), Pope Francis explains the call to holiness and how we might answer it in the midst of...
“Lovely Lady, dressed in blue…” I sang this lyric every spring with my classmates as we festooned with flowers the statue of Mary during the annual May crowning at my high...
A few years ago I was invited to write a small booklet called Pep Talks for Parish Ministers. It was part of a series that addressed some of the challenges faced by those in...