Sometimes getting young people excited about attending Mass isn’t the easiest thing in the world. However, as Catholic educators, catechists, and parents, it’s what we’re...
Scripture is the written account of God's Revelation and his relationship with his people. Also referred to as Sacred Scripture or the bible, it is God's Word, written by...
On May 24th the Church celebrates the Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost Sunday ends the season of Easter. On Pentecost Sunday, the Church remembers the coming of the Holy Spirit...
The Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Madeline Sophie Barat on May 25th. The religious order, the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, founded by Madeline Sophie...
On May 15, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saints Isidore and Maria. Feast Days offer catholic educators, catechists, and parents an opportunity to teach children...
Engage all learners in your Catholic Religion Education class or family by making your lessons multi-sensory. Educational research has shown that teaching approaches that...
Spring is a wonderful season to engage families as the Church rejoices in the new life of Christ during the Easter season. Encourage family members to connect with each...
During the Easter season, the Church sings the song of “Alleluia,” meaning “Praise God!” Teach children the meaning of the word Alleluia as they compose a song to celebrate...
Are you looking for a great way to celebrate the Easter season with your students? Download a seasonal prayer service to help introduce Easter to the students you teach. The...
Help candidates in junior high school and high school to prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Download an eBook that features five tips for those preparing...
The Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Joseph on March 19. Joseph was the husband of Mary and the foster father of Jesus. Joseph worked as a carpenter in the town of...
As immediate preparation programs for the Sacraments of First Eucharist and First Penance get underway, find extra preparation inspiration in this eBook. Designed for...
Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to let the people we love know how much we care. Download a primary activity in which children explore poetry and design valentines for...
Engage students as they learn about virtues and values! A special Virtues and Values Concentration Game invites students to illustrate what virtue or value look like in...
One of the feasts we celebrate during the Christmas season is the Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany is celebrated on the Second Sunday after Christmas. During this feast, we...
On January 1, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Mary, Mother of God. Mary is the greatest of all the saints. We pray special prayers to honor Mary.
On Sunday, December 29, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Take the opportunity to reflect with children about the love the Holy...
As students learn about the Christmas season, offer an opportunity for them to demonstrate their knowledge with a printable acrostic activity. Download the printable activity...
Before class, make play clay using the recipe on the printable worksheet. Give each child clay and ask him or her to mold an animal that could be added to the Christmas...