Have young children design a prayer card for this year’s Thanksgiving meal as they reflect on God’s many gifts. Download the prayer card template and directions and share it...
In the wake of a terrorist attack or tragedy, Catholics of all ages may seek answers to help make sense of the acts of violence and hatred. For children, the complexities of...
Natural disasters are events that are outside of human control, caused by forces of nature. Natural disasters strike all over the world, and result in harm to people and to...
Download an exclusive eBook, written from the perspective of a Parish Catechetical Leader, offering seven suggestions to prepare other Parish Catechetical Leaders for a new...
Engage parishioners of all ages with a special, summer-themed event. The Gather in the Garden Summer Scripture Event is a seasonal event designed for summertime whole parish...
The season of Easter is a special time to rejoice over the new life we have in Jesus Christ. The Easter season lasts fifty days and ends on Pentecost Sunday. This post is a...
During the season of Ordinary Time, we celebrate the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Ordinary Time is a time to learn and follow the teachings of Christ in our daily...
On the second Sunday after Christmas, the Church will celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The traditional date of Epiphany is January 6, but in the United...
This year, from November 13-19 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops encourages participation in National Bible Week. This year's theme is, "The Bible: A Book of...
On October 4, the Catholic Church will celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi. As the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi approaches, we remember and celebrate...
The canonization of Mother Teresa will occur on September 4, 2016. Teach students about the life of Saint Teresa of Calcutta and review the canonization process with the...
Being an effective catechist requires constant prayer, and it is the responsibility of families and catechists to teach others to pray, through both example and instruction....
The start of a new year of Religious Education is an opportunity not only to form students in the faith but also to form catechists! Volunteer catechists that will begin to...
Mary is the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church and we honor Mary as the greatest saint. Catholics honor Mary every day of the year through prayer. We remember the...
Download a special retreat designed to help young people understand the seven themes of Catholic social teaching and how to integrate these into their lives. The retreat,...
On August 18, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga. Alberto was born in Viña del Mar, Chile on January 22, 1901. When Alberto was only four...
When parents and catechists are asked what they want from their children, their response might include a desire for the children’s happiness. We often strive for our own and...
Parish Catechetical Leaders or Directors of Religious Education inevitably encounter a student who has missed a year, or a number of years, of Religious Education. Download...
When Jesus was asked "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?,” he replied "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and...