Matt de la Peña comes from humble beginnings and has achieved a modicum of success that would make many authors a bit supercilious, but he remains nonchalant and humble.
He tells moving stories both on the page and as a speaker, and I cannot wait to share this video with my students! Not only does Matt have a great deal of “street cred” with my kids, but his impassioned answers to my questions are also truly inspiring and eloquent.
I love how Matt precisely conveyed throughout the interview that all strong writers search for the perfect words to most accurately express meaning. He reminds me a bit of Eminem’s interview in his obsession with words and language, rhythm and sound. Thanks Matt for giving students such strong rationale to keep learning their words!
Ironically, I interviewed Matt back at ALAN in Chicago over a year ago, but I am still editing many of the authors I accosted that week. Seeing Matt again at TCTELA in Dallas two weeks ago was the impetus I needed to grab his video to finalize for all of you.
I hope you and your students enjoy the results!