In this article, we'll explore how a focus on finding “unknowns” in math will lead to active problem-solving strategies for Kindergarten to Grade 8 classrooms. Through the...
Are you and your students watching the Olympic Winter Games? Celebrate the Winter Olympic Games in your classroom with captivating fluency board games! Printable Olympic...
Math problem solving strategies should begin as early as Kindergarten or Grade One! As nonfiction reading has seen a stronger emphasis in recent years, we can think of word...
I've used subitizing PowerPoint slides in my class over the years, at every level. This number sense activity uses multiple representations of numbers to aid math language...
Using number lines is one of those topics that are often taken for granted in the elementary and middle school curriculum. Number lines, as a form of representation, help...
Coordinate plane activities are fun for students. I find that they enjoy the visual aspect of identifying coordinates and creating shapes using those coordinates. In this...
One of the posters that is most helpful to my students in class has been the chart of mathematical vocabulary words used for the different operations: addition, subtraction,...