My students are working on CCSS 4.NF.A.2 (Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as ½). To help students become confident in comparing and ordering fractions, I developed a math center fraction activity to reinforce this skill.
In this activity, students compare and sort fractions according to whether they are between one half and one whole, less than one half, more than one whole, and more than one half. Encourage students to use ½ as a benchmark to compare and sort the fractions.
Once students have sorted the fractions according to the categories on their work mat, have them put the fractions in order within each category from least to greatest. Students can check each other’s work using the answer key.
To prepare the fraction activity, make one copy of the work mat and one copy of the fraction cards for each student or group of three or four students. Cut the fraction cards apart and shuffle them well. Keep the fraction cards in an envelope or small zip-top bag. If you’re going to use the activity more than once, you may want to laminate the work mats and the fraction cards.
Download the Candy Bar Fractions Activity now!