Developing number sense for students in the upper middle grades includes their understanding the difference between rational and irrational numbers. Irrational numbers have...
Teaching the concept of solid figures starts very early on in a child’s education, often pre-school but for most in Kindergarten. There are several solid figure worksheets...
Making two-way tables for bivariate categorical data is a standard in the Grade 8 Common Core State Standards math curriculum. I have had some great experiences with my Grade...
This blog post reviews the place of money in the K–2 curriculums using the Progress in Mathematics textbook series, and provides activities that you can use for students to...
We are looking at Mathematical Practice 3 today as a part of a series of blog posts on using the Standards for Mathematical Practice at the middle school level. Mathematical...
In this post I will share several ways that you can use Mathematical Practice 2 in your classroom. For me, this practice was one of the more confusing ones when I first tried...
This base ten numbers and place value lesson plan for grades 3–8 combines non-fiction chart reading with mathematics to show students math is everywhere! From fun...
Making sense of problems and persevering in them is Mathematical Practice 1, a part of the Common Core Mathematical Practices. This post covers this standard and how it can...
In current research and practice for early mathematics education, composing and decomposing numbers is taking on an increasingly import role in developing students’ number...
My students are working on CCSS 4.NF.A.2 (Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or...
The eight Standards for Mathematical Practice, often called the math practice standards, are part of the Common Core. Don’t get confused as they are referred to in so many...
One of the posters that is most helpful to my students in class has been the chart of mathematical vocabulary words used for the different operations: addition, subtraction,...