Progress in Mathematics Grades K–6
Core Program
Full Access
Sadlier Math Grades K–6
Core Program
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Progress in Mathematics Grades 7–8+
Core Program
Full Access
Progress Mathematics Grades K–8
National Program
Full Access
New York
Critical Thinking for Active Math Minds
Grades 3–6
Preparing for Standards Based Assessments
Grades 7–8
Reading & Writing
From Phonics to Reading Grades K–3
Print Program
Interactive Practice Bundle
Fluency Booster Practice Book
Interactive Assessments
High-Impact Tutoring
Sadlier Phonics
Grades K–3
Building Reading Success with Wiley Blevins Grades K–5
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention for Grades K–5
Sadlier Handwriting Practice
Grades K–5
Close Reading of Complex Texts Grades 3–8
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Early Literacy Manipulatives Kit
Grades K–5
Early Literacy Library
Grades K–5
Progress English Language Arts Grades K–8
National Program
Full Access
New York
Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Comprehension Grades 1–5
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop Achieve Grades 6–12+
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Excellence Grades 6–12+
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop Select
Grades 6–12
Vocabulary for Success
Grades 6–10
Grammar Workshop, Tools for Writing
Grades 2–5
Grammar Workshop
Grades 6–8
Grammar for Writing
Grades 6–12
Building Reading Success with Wiley Blevins
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention for Grades K—5
Early Literacy Manipulatives Kit
Grades K–5
Professional Learning
Professional Learning

English Language Arts Blog

The home of Vocab Gal and other educational experts K–12 resources

January 25, 2017 ELA K-5, ELA 6-8, ELA Focus - Writing, ELA 9-12, ELA PD - Leadership, ELA PD - Grammar Writing, ELA Resources - Charts/Posters, Core Grammar

Writing Communities in School; Creating a School-wide Literacy Action Plan

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of building a school-wide community of writers and literacy action plan. With the strategies outlined in this article, school leadership can shift their school culture toward one with a focus on literacy and writing. My summers are spent with a group of individuals who write.

All are educators.

Some even call themselves writers.

Around the beginning of the calendar year, I help to recruit for my school’s summer institute, and one of the most valuable tools I use is telling stories. Through the years, I have held on to the stories that people have shared with me. These stories were shared within a community of writers.


Building a community of writers in a school might be one of the most powerful steps school leadership can take. However, this is not an easy task, nor is it one that can be accomplished through one faculty meeting or even through required staff development.

Rather, a community of writers takes time to build; its identity will emerge and develop organically, just as individual personalities do. There are four strategies that leaders can use to shift their school culture toward one with a focus on literacy and writing. (Note: all of these will be discussed in more detail in future blog posts for this series.)


This strategy will be discussed in moredepth in an upcoming blog post, "Writing Communities in Schools: Modeling through Professional Development."


This strategy ties closely to the steps involved in publication and sharing and will be explained in an upcoming blog post, "Writing Communities in Schools: Ways to Publish Formally and Informally."


Watch for the forthcoming blog post, "Writing Communities in Schools: Implementing Writing Consistently and Effectively" to read about ways to implement this strategy.


A writing community is supportive and helpful. A sense of trust must be present in order to fulfill the great promise of a writing community.

In next week's post, "How to Build a Writing Community Around Shared Values.", I'll be addressing two essential questions:

  • What does it mean to be a community of writers?

  • What does it take to be a community of writers?

To be continued....

Are you interested in jump starting your school-wide writing community and literacy action plan? Download this poster as a guide to help you create a school-wide literacy plan (with writing at its center) today!

