Social media has become a powerful tool for teaching and learning. Wouldn’t it be fun to edit spelling, grammar, and punctuation in a relevant and meaningful way? In this article you will learn how students can use social media for revising and editing practice! Plus, download FREE Editing Celebrity Tweets worksheets.
Students spend more time than ever conversing online. If you’ve done any research on how students communicate online, you will have noticed that everyday phrases have been replaced by acronyms, emoji faces are used to convey emotion, and you rarely see complete sentences because of character count restrictions.
Instead of feeling defeated by the lack of spelling, grammar, and punctuation on social media, let it be an inspiration! I propose we use the social networking interests of our students to create fun and interactive revising and editing worksheets. If we have students use social media for editing practice, it may just influence them to improve their own tweets, Instagram posts etc.
Instead of feeling defeated by the lack of spelling, grammar, and punctuation on social media, let it be an inspiration!
Today I’m sharing my Editing Celebrity Tweets worksheets. With these editing worksheets, students will read some of their favorite celebrities’ tweets to find errors, correct them, and give reasons for their corrections. The best part of these printable editing worksheets, is that they can be used a number of ways in the classroom! Below I've listed how Celebrity Tweets can be used for revising and editing practice in the middle and high school grade levels.
Celebrity Tweet of the Week
Introduce one of the tweets per week for 10 weeks. Everyone gets a copy of the week’s tweet and makes their edits individually, writing a reason for the edits. Go over the corrections as a whole class.
Writing Centers
Include a worksheet at a center and have students choose a tweet to edit. This can be done as a group with corrections presented to the entire class, or it can be done individually with students comparing corrections. The teacher can present corrections at each center.
Peer Work
Give each pair of students a tweet worksheet with all of the celebrity tweets on it and have them complete it together. Each pair can present to the class and share their edits, and the class can give feedback.
Group Work
Similar to writing centers, a group of three or four works on all of the celebrity tweets on the worksheet and comes to a consensus about the corrections. The group presents to the class when completed.
Classmate Celebrity Swap
Each student will choose celebrity tweets that need editing and swap with a classmate! Using the blank Celebrity Tweet worksheet, have students follow their favorite celebrities on Twitter and track tweets that need to be edited. Each student will choose two tweets that have spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors and write them out in the “original tweet” bubble on their worksheet. Students will then pair up with a classmate and swap worksheets. Students should share and discuss their edits with one another.
Summer Tweet Trackers
Encourage students to follow their favorite celebrities and track tweets that need to be edited using my blank Celebrity Tweets worksheet!
Download the Editing Celebrity Tweets worksheets to start using social media for editing practice. My free download includes 10 tweets that students can edit, an answer key with reasons for the edits, and a blank worksheet for students to take home or work on in class to find their own tweets with errors.