With February quickly approaching, it’s time to harness the excitement surrounding an upcoming calendar holiday to get students engaged in learning! In this article you’ll...
We have already had one snow day and two delayed starts for cold morning temperatures here in my Mid-western town of Columbus, Ohio. Students love to talk about snow days and...
During the holiday season, we are often consumed with finding the perfect gifts to give our loved ones. Trying to find a gift that convey your feelings, while staying within...
Get students back on task and engaged in learning with these winter holiday worksheets. Below are six free printable winter holiday worksheets students can use to review...
Are you and your students excited for the Olympic Winter Games? The Winter Olympics are especially exciting for me because they take place when school is in session. I find...
Valentine's Day is approaching and offers teachers with the opportunity to link ESL students' interest in the calendar holiday with vocabulary learning! With this ESL...
Last year when many of us were experiencing severe "Polar Vortex" storms, I shared a simple writing activity where students describe their ideal snow day using vocabulary...
I particularly like the end of February and it has everything to do with Read Across America Day and the beginning of National Reading Month (March 1)! With these two...
I have learned that in order to really keep a resolution, it has to become a habit. Therefore, I have made resolutions that I can easily turn into habits for both my...
This vocabulary activity works for all ages, because who doesn't love to color? At the mention of coloring my sophomores light up like kindergarteners at snack time. The...