Besides dedicated instructional time to learn the skills and strategies necessary to become effective writers, students need time to practice what they learn. Repetition and practice help students gain confidence in their writing abilities. Today I'm sharing an activity that will assist students grades 2–6 in essay writing practice.
The Perfect Meal Short Essay Writing Activity will whet students' appetites and get them excited to write! With these essay writing practice worksheets, students are charged with writing a short essay about their favorite meal or a special meal they one day look forward to eating.
The essay writing worksheets I have available for download will encourage students to focus on word choice and provide an opportunity to practice outlining and composing short essays. To make this short essay writing activity especially fun for kids, the worksheets are made-up of place setting elements that will be cut and assembled once complete.
To begin The Perfect Meal Short Essay Writing Activity, each student will need a place setting template. Each component of the place setting template will help students brainstorm and compose portions of their favorite meal essay. Students will write directly on the objects to compile their essay.
Knife: Students should brainstorm all the adjectives they associate with their meal and list them on the knife.
Spoon: Students should brainstorm the adverbs they associate with their meal and list them on the spoon.
Fork: Students should brainstorm all prepositions they associate with their meal and write them out on the fork.
Placemat: Every essay needs an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Students will arrange objects with portions of their essay on the placemat.
Drinking Glass: Students should write an introduction paragraph about their meal on the drinking glass.
Plate: Students should write their body paragraphs about their favorite meal on the plate.
Napkin: Students should write the conclusion paragraph about their favorite meal on the napkin.
Download my essay writing practice worksheets now to provide students with writing practice! Don't forget to hang students' finished work in the classroom once they've assembled their "perfect meal" place setting.
Writing in the Context of CCSS