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February 24, 2015 CL Teaching Strategies Notice & Note, CL Teaching Strategies Charts & Org, ELA K-5, ELA Focus - Reading, ELA Resources - Charts/Posters, Core Literacy

Teach Literary Elements with a Plot Boat Narrative Poster

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) require upper elementary grade students to have a clear understanding of literary elements and text structures.



As a literacy specialist, I often review or re-teach things the classroom teacher has previously taught. I am always trying to think of new and interesting ways to teach literary concepts. I am not only trying to grab (and hold) the students’ attention, but I also want them to understand and retain the information presented.

One of my favorite ways to put a new spin on a topic that was already taught is with an engaging visual. Below is my alternative to a traditional plot chart, or story mountain, that I use to teach literary elements and text structures. The literary elements included are:

  • Setting: The time and place of a story
  • Characters: The people in a story
  • Mood: The feeling of a story
  • Point of View: The way the story is told – the way the author allows you to see and hear what happens (i.e., first person, third person, etc.)
  • Conflict: The main issue in a story; it occurs in three parts – rising action, climax, and falling action
  • Message/Theme: The most important idea in a story
  • Rising Action: The events that happen in the story, leading up to the most exciting moment; these actions increase the tension
  • Introduction/Hook: Beginning of a piece of literature that draws the reader in and encourages them to read more.
  • Climax: One or many problems that create the high point of the story
  • Falling Action: The events that happen after the climax; tension decreases and everything begins to settle down
  • Resolution: When the conflict has been resolved; this usually indicates the end of the story


Download my Plot Boat Narrative Poster for your classroom to review or re-teach literary concepts.





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