These fun poetry activities will make it easy to celebrate April’s National Poetry Month at home or in the classroom. All month, students and teachers across the country...
Have students fill out brackets for vocabulary words and let them decide the "ultimate vocabulary word" in the categories of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. With Bracket Battle...
As the school year comes to a close, I find myself on the struggle bus right alongside my students. While they are anxious for summer, I am anxious to keep them learning. In...
Opening day for Major League Baseball was March 28th. This is the perfect time of year to play the Vocabulary Baseball Game! This vocabulary game is guaranteed to be a home...
In honor of Shakespeare’s birthday on April 23rd have students create Shakespeare-like insults*, but with vocabulary words! This silly Shakespeare lesson plan will not only...
The Earth Day Vocabulary Activity is a great way to connect vocabulary instruction, art, and the environment. HOW THE EARTH DAY VOCABULARY ACTIVITY WORKS With my printable...
Just when I needed some inspiration for this week’s vocabulary activity, my amazing new friend Becky Amaral, who teaches sixth and seventh grade English at The Country...
I particularly like the end of February and it has everything to do with Read Across America Day and the beginning of National Reading Month (March 1)! With these two...
This vocabulary activity works for all ages, because who doesn't love to color? At the mention of coloring my sophomores light up like kindergarteners at snack time. The...