Progress in Mathematics Grades K–6
Core Program
Full Access
Sadlier Math Grades K–6
Core Program
Full Access
Progress in Mathematics Grades 7–8+
Core Program
Full Access
Progress Mathematics Grades K–8
National Program
Full Access
New York
Critical Thinking for Active Math Minds
Grades 3–6
Preparing for Standards Based Assessments
Grades 7–8
Reading & Writing
From Phonics to Reading Grades K–3
Print Program
Interactive Practice Bundle
Fluency Booster Practice Book
Interactive Assessments
High-Impact Tutoring
Sadlier Phonics
Grades K–3
Building Reading Success with Wiley Blevins Grades K–5
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention for Grades K–5
Sadlier Handwriting Practice
Grades K–5
Close Reading of Complex Texts Grades 3–8
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Early Literacy Manipulatives Kit
Grades K–5
Early Literacy Library
Grades K–5
Progress English Language Arts Grades K–8
National Program
Full Access
New York
Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Comprehension Grades 1–5
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop Achieve Grades 6–12+
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Excellence Grades 6–12+
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop Select
Grades 6–12
Vocabulary for Success
Grades 6–10
Grammar Workshop, Tools for Writing
Grades 2–5
Grammar Workshop
Grades 6–8
Grammar for Writing
Grades 6–12
Building Reading Success with Wiley Blevins
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention for Grades K—5
Early Literacy Manipulatives Kit
Grades K–5
Professional Learning
Professional Learning

English Language Arts Blog

The home of Vocab Gal and other educational experts K–12 resources

How to Balance Being a Teacher and a Parent: Top 5 Survival Tips

Many of us struggle to balance our personal and professional lives, and I found that for me it only got harder once I had children. I knew I was going to have to loosen my...
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8 Gifts to Thank Your School Employees

I find that thanking the school staff who often get overlooked, is one of the best ways to show appreciation. However, it can be a tricky and costly venture, so here is a...
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10 High Stakes Assessment Terms Students Need to Know

If you read last week’s post, you know that your vocabulary instruction is most critical to your students’ success on high-stakes testing. Unfamiliar high stakes assessment...
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Increase High-Stakes Standardized Testing Success with Vocabulary

High-stakes standardized testing is not going away. With the newly redesigned SAT® and the fact that many states’ are focusing on both the ACT® and SAT® as a part of high...
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Differentiated Vocabulary Assessment Handout

Now that we've all gotten through the crazy back-to-school season and have established our classroom routines, I thought I'd take the opportunity to discuss differentiated...
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Teacher Goal Setting and Professional Planning for the New Year

The start of the school year in most school districts means it is that time of year to set teacher professional goals again. Ugh! I used to find this a daunting task, but I...
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Setting Instructional Goals and Objectives; 6 Key Points Teachers Should Remember

At the beginning of each school year, it is critical to set instructional goals and objectives for our classes. These goals need to work for ourselves, for our students, for...
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Setting Learning and Vocabulary Expectations in the Classroom

I am always really excited about learning and teaching vocabulary words, but my students aren’t always as exhilarated as I am. After seeing a poster in my mentee’s classroom...
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The Top 3 Ways to Integrate Vocabulary Into Your Classroom Routine

Many teachers tell me that they just don’t have time for vocabulary instruction on top of everything else they need to do in the classroom. Of course, I understand that as...
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Summer PD: The Value of Intentional Vocabulary Instruction in Middle School

Summer break is a great time for teachers and principals to participate in professional development. Today I'm sharing an eBook teachers can download and read this summer to...
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Can I Get a Quick Review? Practice Vocabulary in 3 Steps!

With final exams in a few weeks I want to do a quick review every day with my students to remind them of all of the 180 words they must know for their test. Here’s what I’ve...
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Farewell Message to Seniors; 10 Ways to Succeed in College/Life

What time of year is it? Around my high school, the seniors will tell you it is time for them to leave! Yet each year, I never feel like I have finished teaching my students....
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