One of the most efficient ways to improve student writing is to write daily. To ensure writing occurs daily (at home or in the classroom) teachers can task students with...
Right now we are witnessing the formation of a new education landscape due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak causing schools to close across the country. During these...
Vocabulary development is a vital component of learning across all subject areas. It doesn't matter if a student is learning a new grammar rule or basic math formula, word...
In this article, you’ll learn about the transformative power of a growth mindset in schools, specifically in the ELA classroom. You’ll discover what a growth mindset is and...
One skill my students seem to struggle with across grade levels is comparing and contrasting texts. In honor of Presidents' Day, I use the following compare and contrast...
With Valentine's Day approaching you may be looking for fun activities to incorporate into your literacy block. In this article, you'll find a free printable Valentine's...
I love historical fiction! In my opinion, it is the genre that gives the gift of both fiction and nonfiction reading. Today I am sharing a free printable character...
The day after the Super Bowl, many of my students are tired from staying up to watch the big game, so I try to make my lessons for that day to be as interesting as possible...
When ELL students learn vocabulary, they understand what is happening in their classrooms and have a deeper knowledge of what they are expected to learn. Not only does this...
Teachers, academic coaches, and administrators never have enough time, resources, money, or books. However, I have found an unlikely source for all four—school libraries. In...
Education is a field that seems to be constantly changing and progressing through advances in technology, professional publications, and research studies on students. The...
In this article, I share eight ways I integrate teaching Greek/Latin Roots into my vocabulary instruction. Teachers and instructional coaches will recognize that these...