Sequencing is the skill that is used when a reader lists the events of a story in the order that they occurred in, from first to last. For a student to fully comprehend a...
In preparation for the Common Core State Standards I did a lot of research, and I started with the CCSS website. I found this overview of the CCSS to be very important... ...
While it may be tempting to spend all summer at the beach or by the pool, it's important that emerging readers practice their reading skills over the break. Picking a few...
Parents are the key to keeping students reading over the summer. They are the frontline defense for fighting summer reading loss! In this post, we'll explore ten ways parents...
One skill my students seem to struggle with across grade levels is comparing and contrasting texts. In honor of Presidents' Day, I use the following compare and contrast...
I love historical fiction! In my opinion, it is the genre that gives the gift of both fiction and nonfiction reading. Today I am sharing a free printable character...
Education is a field that seems to be constantly changing and progressing through advances in technology, professional publications, and research studies on students. The...
Add some spooktacular elements to your classroom curriculum with my free Halloween reading comprehension worksheets, book suggestions, and interactive read aloud. Grab all...
The start of a new school year brings excitement and anticipation to teachers and students alike. Each party to the relationship is wondering about the personality and...
After attending Wiley Blevins’s Two-Part Phonics Masterclass: 10 Common Causes of Phonics Instruction Failure and How to Avoid Them, I’m rip-roaring and ready to go in terms...
If I wasn’t already a believer in the importance of strong phonics instruction, I certainly am now. After attending two sessions with renowned phonics expert, Wiley Blevins,...
As teachers, we do pretty important work. We use our expertise and experience as tools to craft and deliver instruction to the next generation of thinkers. It’s vital, then,...