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April 27, 2015 CG Lessons 9-12, CG Lessons 6-8, CG Lessons K-5, CG Seasonal Activities Spring, ELA K-5, ELA 6-8, ELA Resources - Activities, ELA Focus - Writing, ELA 9-12, ELA Seasonal - Spring, ELA Focus - Grammar, Core Grammar

4 Spring Worksheets To Keep Students Engaged in Grammar and Writing

Spring brings with it both pleasant weather and the interesting dynamic of nearing the end of the school year – which can be exhausting – as well as promises of refreshing classroom ideas. I love the spring writing and printable grammar exercises in this post because there are options for every grade level, they range from simple to more complex, and they can be used in the classroom or outside.

For primary students, there is an Acrostic Poem and Contraction Flowers. For upper elementary students, there is a Pronoun Patch. For middle and high school students there is Round-Robin Writing. Another great thing about these spring worksheets for grammar and writing instruction is that all of them can be adapted up or down for use with all the grade levels!

Spring Writing and Printable Grammar Exercises


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1. Round-Robin Spring Writing

Writing is something that needs to be done daily. Students tend to get “antsy” in the spring, so to mix things up I have a simple idea that keeps students interested and active.

Each student starts with a Round-Robin Writing spring worksheet and writes one sentence to start their story. When everyone is done, say “pass” and students pass their paper clockwise. Students read the first sentence and add to the story with their own sentence. Continue until there are 5–10 minutes left in class or everyone has written on all the papers.

During the remaining class time, the papers should be returned to the original author. That person can add a few sentences to close the story. Then read the stories out loud or silently to enjoy the products of this class writing session!

If you want to grade the students’ work, the original author can edit the writing for misspellings and grammar errors and the edit can then be assessed.

2. Spring Writing Acrostic Poem

Using each letter of the word SPRING, students will write a descriptive word that they connect to the season.

3. Contraction Flowers

These colorful blooms will help students identify words that form contractions! Students will pair two leaves together that form a contraction and then write the contraction the two words make in the center of a flower. Once their spring contraction flowers have been assembled, use the flowers to create a blooming bulletin board!

4. Pronoun Garden

Plant a classroom pronoun patch! Using the printable spring worksheet, students will choose a pronoun (he, she, it, they, we) and write it in the center of a flower. Then on each flower petal, students will write one noun they associate with the pronoun on each petal of the flower.

Download my free spring writing and grammar worksheets with directions on how to complete each task! These four activities will keep students engaged in grammar and writing.