Progress in Mathematics Grades K–6
Core Program
Full Access
Sadlier Math Grades K–6
Core Program
Full Access
Progress in Mathematics Grades 7–8+
Core Program
Full Access
Progress Mathematics Grades K–8
National Program
Full Access
New York
Critical Thinking for Active Math Minds
Grades 3–6
Preparing for Standards Based Assessments
Grades 7–8
Reading & Writing
From Phonics to Reading Grades K–3
Print Program
Interactive Practice Bundle
Fluency Booster Practice Book
Interactive Assessments
High-Impact Tutoring
Sadlier Phonics
Grades K–3
Building Reading Success with Wiley Blevins Grades K–5
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention for Grades K–5
Sadlier Handwriting Practice
Grades K–5
Close Reading of Complex Texts Grades 3–8
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Early Literacy Manipulatives Kit
Grades K–5
Early Literacy Library
Grades K–5
Progress English Language Arts Grades K–8
National Program
Full Access
New York
Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Comprehension Grades 1–5
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop Achieve Grades 6–12+
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Excellence Grades 6–12+
Print Program
Interactive Edition
Vocabulary Workshop Select
Grades 6–12
Vocabulary for Success
Grades 6–10
Grammar Workshop, Tools for Writing
Grades 2–5
Grammar Workshop
Grades 6–8
Grammar for Writing
Grades 6–12
Building Reading Success with Wiley Blevins
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention for Grades K—5
Early Literacy Manipulatives Kit
Grades K–5
Professional Learning
Professional Learning

English Language Arts Blog

The home of Vocab Gal and other educational experts K–12 resources

Give Me Five! Reading Strategy for Grades K–2

A top priority in reading for my primary grade-level readers is to be able to retell a story and state its most important details. The details that I want my students to be...
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Teaching Students The Many Purposes of Writing

I love sticky notes. If you were to look at my desk or at my planner or at my laptop lid, you would see sticky notes filled with information. A reminder to talk to a teacher....
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Part 4: Using the Text Rain Reign in a Disability Awareness Unit

This is the last post in my Disabilitiy Awareness Activities Unit series. Every day this week I've broken down how I use multiple texts, with corresponding writing...
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Part 3: Teaching Students About Disabilities Using The Book Out of My Mind

It is important for classrooms to be an environment where students can openly speak and learn about disabilities and what it means to be "differently-abled". If a student...
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Part 2: Wonder Lesson Plans That Teach Students About Acceptance

I have just read Wonder, by Raquel J. Palacio, again and I can easily understand why it remains on the New York Times Best Sellers List and a part of my Disability Awareness...
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Part 1: Disability Awareness Activities Unit for Grades 4–8

What is a disability? According to Webster's Dictionary it is: a condition (such as an illness or an injury) that damages or limits a person's physical or mental abilities;...
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Vocabulary-Building Worksheets That Combine Creative Graphics & Writing

At a workshop, a teacher gave me this idea for an interactive vocabulary activity as well as permission to share it on the blog. Thank you to this awesome educator, whose...
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Top 10 Characteristics of Effective Grammar Instruction

Direct instruction and modeling of grammar is part of a balanced literacy framework. Students need multiple and various exposures to correct grammar in order to achieve at...
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Patricia Polacco Continued... The Keeping Quilt Activities

You may have read a previous post of mine when I mentioned how much I enjoyed when Patricia Polacco came to visit my school. She spoke about two of her books, the first book...
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Interactive Read Aloud of The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polacco

Interactive read alouds are an important component of a balanced literacy classroom. Research proves the value of reading aloud to students of all ages, and that students...
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Teacher To-Do List for the New School Year

It’s back-to-school for teachers! I know that each year our school starts earlier, and each year I begin panicking about all the things I want to do in my room. Although we...
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Literary Devices in Poetry Activity, Grades 3–5

I love meeting new people and making new friends. Interactive activities are a great way to get to know others and have some fun while doing it! There is so much to learn...
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