In this article, you'll learn how teachers can seek out feedback from their three primary groups of stakeholders: students, colleagues/mentors/administrators, and themselves....
Today I’m sharing two printable vocabulary games for high school that you will want to add to your vocabulary resources; a newly created vocabulary game and a proven dice game
We all have had those moments. We have just hit the Send button on our email, and we see that one word. That one that is misspelled. That one that should have had an...
My children love to toss water balloons, and I couldn’t help but think that combining a favorite pastime with word learning would make for an awesome vocabulary review...
Review reading comprehension strategies with my Mother's Day-inspired compare and contrast lesson. Although this compare and contrast lesson was inspired by Mother's Day, I...
In honor of Shakespeare’s birthday on April 23rd have students create Shakespeare-like insults*, but with vocabulary words! This silly Shakespeare lesson plan will not only...
Learning Transformed: 8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow's Schools Today by Eric C. Sheninger and Thomas C. Murray is a MUST READ for educators. In this article, I've summarized...
After 13+ years teaching high school English, I've concluded that ACT and SAT test-taking strategies are more successful when educators make pre-assessments and...
In this article, you'll explore the benefits and rationale for teaching and reviewing vocabulary strategies as part of high-stakes test preparation! Specialists,...
In this article, you'll discover how to use text-dependent questions to engage students in close reading. I share text-dependent questions and passage I use from the book, ...
Like many of you, my students will be taking the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) for the first time this spring. In my reading and literacy instruction this...
One of my favorite vocabulary activities is Present Vocabulary with Prezi. I quickly learned that combining technology with vocabulary instruction captures the attention of...