October is the time to year that welcomes the ghosts and goblins associated with Halloween. The end of the month usually signifies the end of a term or quarter of school. This shift in terms provides a great time to review parts of speech! Today I'm sharing Halloween grammar parts of speech worksheets you can download and print (free of charge).
Have students show you what they know about personal pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and nouns. With my Halloween Mad Libs printable, students will have some fun while practicing different parts of speech.
Halloween provides countless images and games that children associate with this fun holiday. The Pin the Parts of Speech on the Pumpkin game combines learning the parts of speech and a modified version of the game Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
Each day of the week leading up to Halloween, students can pin the part of speech to the pumpkin.
Monday: Nouns
Tuesday: Verbs
Wednesday: Adjectives
Thursday: Adverbs
Friday: Prepositions
Download the grammar parts of speech worksheets to start playing the game now!
Hopefully these spooktacular activities will engage students in reviewing parts of speech. If you're looking for grammar parts of speech worksheets unrelated to holidays, check out the resources below!