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The Grammar Fir Tree Holiday Writing Activity, Grades 3–8

Written by Tiffany Rehbein | Nov 26, 2024 7:11:00 PM

In this article you'll discover a fun holiday activity where students will write about traditions while focusing on key grammar elements. Plus, I've turned this holiday writing activity into an awesome free download!

Writing About the Holidays

The rich history and fun celebrations of holidays make students extra lively during the month of December. Although this extra energy can be hard to reign in at times, it can also make students excited to participate in holiday writing activities! 

The fir tree is a common symbol associated with the December holidays. Decorating the tree is a tradition often shared among family members and communities. Since the fir tree stirs up memories of family traditions and holiday celebrations, I created the Grammar Fir Tree Writing Activity.

Writing about holidays in December may not be an original concept, but it is fun for students! With the Grammar Fir Tree Writing Activity students will see that writing about the holidays can be both fun and an opportunity to hone their writing and grammar skills. Using my printable worksheets, students will reflect on holiday traditions.

What traditions do your students celebrate this time of year? What traditions do your students see other classmates celebrating this time of year? What celebrations would students add to the traditional celebrations?

The Grammar Fir Tree Holiday Writing Activity

In this grammar activity, each part of the tree, and its decorations, coincide with a part of speech or punctuation marks. For instance, a student should think of their family traditions and write every noun associated with that tradition on the garland, every verb on the decorative balls, every adjective and adverb on the presents, every preposition on candy canes, and every punctuation mark on the holiday star.


Holiday star: Punctuation marks
Candy canes: Prepositions
Garland: Nouns
Decorative balls: Verbs
Presents: Adjectives and adverbs

Once the fir tree elements have been filled out, have students use the various details and descriptions on their worksheet to write 3–5 paragraphs about holiday celebrations. Add an element of competition to the writing activity and have students compete to see who can make the most descriptive holiday tree in the classroom!