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February 26, 2015 CG Teaching Strategies Test-taking, CG SAT and ACT Test Prep, ELA Resources - Assessment, ELA PD - Assessment, ELA 9-12, ELA PD - Grammar Writing, Core Grammar

3 Quick Tips for Answering Questions on the SAT®* Test

For juniors and seniors, college is on the horizon. The SAT test assesses what students know and how they can apply that knowledge. The SAT test measures knowledge in reading, writing, and math. On this test, every question is worth the same amount toward a student’s total score. Even if a question is considered difficult, it counts the same as a question that is considered easy.

SAT-Test-PrepTaking and preparing for the SAT test can be extremely stressful. Having a plan on test day is part of doing well on the assessment. Students won’t know every answer, but they should be aware of the questions they do know and those with which they struggle. This knowledge will actually help students perform better on the test.

Here are 3 quick tips for answering questions on the SAT test. Share these tips with students as they begin thinking about and preparing for the SAT test.

  • If the answer seems easy, it probably is. Remember, an easy question is worth the same as a difficult question. Students should take their time on the easy questions. The easy questions are in the first third of the test.

  • The final two-thirds of the test are the medium level and difficult questions. If a question is difficult, re-read the question and try each of the answer choices to see which one fits best. Use this strategy to help eliminate potential answers.

  • Process of elimination is just a good test-taking strategy. I have given you two ways to eliminate answers. By knowing those two tips, a student’s odds have already gone up in choosing the correct answer. An incorrect answer only costs a quarter of a point while a correct answer will add one entire point. Statistically, it makes sense to eliminate what you know is not the correct answer.

Test-taking season is a reality. Being prepared and understanding an approach for each test are steps students must take in order to place themselves in the best possible position to do well. Good luck!







Suggested Printable:

5 Tips for Preparing for Vocabulary Aspects of SAT

SAT Grammar Practice Worksheets: Punctuation 

SAT Grammar Practice Worksheet: Precise Words

* SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.