Catechetical Programs
Christ In Us Grades K–8
Parish, K–8
School, K–8
Bilingual, K–6
We Believe: Living Your Catholic Identity Grades K–8
Full Access
We Live Our Faith, Catholic Identity Grades 7–8
Full Access
One Faith, One Lord Grades 7–Adult
Our Catholic Faith Grades 4–6
God’s Own Making
Grades 4-8
Discovering God
Ages 3–5
Between You and Your Child
Catechetical Bilingual
Cristo en nosotros
Cursos 1–6
Creemos Identidad católica
Cursos K–6
Vivimos nuestra fe
Cursos 7–8
Nuestra fe católica
Cursos 4–6
Una sola fe, un solo Señor
Cursos 7–Adulto
Entre usted y sus hijos
Cursos K–8
Sacraments Programs
Believe • Celebrate • Live | Bilingual Edition Ages 7–15
Reconciliation Primary
Eucharist Primary
Reconciliation & Eucharist Intermediate
Confirmation Restored Order
We Believe and Celebrate
Spanish Edition
Prayer Books
My Reconciliation and Prayer Book, Ages 7–9
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
My Mass Book, Ages 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
We Believe and Pray, Grades 4–6
Sacraments Bilingual
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Edades 7–15
Reconciliación Primaria
Eucaristía Primaria
Reconciliación y Eucaristía Intermedio
Confirmación Restauración del orden sacramental
Creemos y celebramos
Libros de oración
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración, Edades 7–9
Mi libro de la Misa, Edades 7–9
Lifelong Faith
Bible Resources
The Compass Bible for Catholic Teens
YOUCAT: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
YOUCAT: Catecismo Joven de la Iglesia Católica
La Biblia católica para jóvenes
Adult Resources
Becoming a Parish of Mercy
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
General Directory for Catechesis
Professional Development
Professional Development
Catechetical Learning
Theology of the Body Course
Catholic Identity Course
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Religion Blog
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CHATechesis Podcast
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Blog de Sadlier Religion
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Sadlier Religion Blog

March Feast Days– Catholic Saints to Celebrate with Children

These stories of saints whose feast days are celebrated in the month of March are friends of God and our role models in faith. Their examples of holiness will inspire...
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15+ FREE Lent Activities and Prayers You Will Love

Lent is a sacred season of reflection and renewal, inviting us to deepen our faith through prayer, penance, and almsgiving. As we journey through these forty days, Sadlier is...
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A Valentines for God- Resources for Catholics

Valentine’s Day may be few weeks away, but it’s not too soon to start reflecting on its lovely themes and associations. In this article, Catholics will find a printable...
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February Feast Days– Catholic Saints to Celebrate with Children

These stories of saints whose feast days are celebrated in the month of February are friends of God and our role models in faith. Their examples of holiness will inspire...
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Catholic Identity: Surrounded by Faith

The Catholic Identity series features guest posts that reflect unique Catholic voices exploring the concept of Catholic Identity, personally and professionally. In this...
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Catholic Identity: The Air I Breathe

The Catholic Identity series features guest posts that reflect unique Catholic voices exploring the concept of Catholic Identity, personally and professionally. In this...
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The Jubilee Year of Hope: A Guide for Catholic Catechists and Families

On December 24, 2024, the Catholic Church will embark on a special spiritual journey—the 2025 Jubilee year begins. This year, marked by a time of grace, prayer, and...
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Catholic Identity: A Child of God

The Catholic Identity series features guest posts that reflect unique Catholic voices exploring the concept of Catholic Identity, personally and professionally. In this...
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The Jesse Tree: A Meaningful Advent Tradition for Catholic Kids and Families

The Advent season is a time of preparation and anticipation for the celebration of Christ’s birth at Christmas. For Catholics, Advent is a season for deepening faith,...
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Catholic Identity: The Gift of a Remarkable Career

The Catholic Identity series features guest posts that reflect unique Catholic voices exploring the concept of Catholic Identity, personally and professionally. In this...
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Catholic Identity: The Life of Grace

The Catholic Identity series features guest posts that reflect unique Catholic voices exploring the concept of Catholic Identity, personally and professionally. In this...
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Catholic Identity: The Joy of Catholic Parenting

The Catholic Identity series features guest posts that reflect unique Catholic voices exploring the concept of Catholic Identity, personally and professionally. In this...
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Understanding Catholic Identity

Understanding and embracing Catholic identity is essential for personal and spiritual growth for Catholics of all ages. This article This offers a review of Catholic identity...
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November Feast Days– Catholic Saints to Celebrate with Children

Share examples of holiness with Catholic kids and families with these stories of saints whose feast days are celebrated in the month of November. These inspiring saints are...
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Blessed Carlo Acutis: A Life Story to Inspire Young Disciples

Carlo Acutis was a devoted Catholic teenager who used his interest and skills in technology to share the Gospel. Carlo was beatified in 2020 and is on the path to sainthood....
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Catholic Thanksgiving Prayers for Kids and Families [Printables]

As families gather to share a meal and express gratitude for their many blessings this Thanksgiving, they have the opportunity to pray. Kids and families in your faith...
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The Seven Sacraments Quilt Activity

The sacraments of the Catholic Church unite Catholics all over the world with Jesus Christ and with one another. Each of the seven sacraments were instituted by Jesus and...
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Celebrating All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days in Your Home or Parish

As the children in your home or parish prepare for the celebration of Halloween in their schools and neighborhoods, take the opportunity to draw connections between this...
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October Feast Days– Catholic Saints to Celebrate with Children

Inspire Catholic kids and their families with the stories of saints and holy people! In this article, you’ll discover short biographies and free printable activities that can...
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Fun Fall Activities for Families that Celebrate God's Creation

Bring Catholic family members together around the care of God’s Creation with a fun fall activities resource. Pope Francis once said, “The family remains the basic unit of...
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September Feast Days– Catholic Saints to Celebrate with Children

Discover holy people and saints whose feast days are celebrated in the month of September. Learning about the saints and holy people helps build Catholic identity and...
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